Non-Binary Visibility

Last Sunday, our very own Lee Slobotkin, KI’s Creative Director, performed for our community in a beautiful concert filled with Broadway songs and contemporary music. (Thank you to our Women of KI and Adult Education Committee for making it happen!) It isn’t unusual for us to hear Lee singing or...

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Parashat Balak

Parashat Balak: The Talking She-Donkey; Ma Tovu; SHIR KI, Our Adult Choir, Begins Again, and The Choir Needs You! This week’s Torah portion is one of only two Sidrot/portions out of the over fifty in the complete Torah that is named for a non-Jew! The Torah portion of Balak teaches...

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New Beginnings

On Friday night I will lead my first service on the KI bimah with Cantor Levy. The road to this point has been long and not just with regard to the thorough search process that brought me here; the road to my arrival at KI can be traced back generations....

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