President’s Message: Feb. 4th, 2021

Dear Congregants, In each e-KI we share a link to the weekly update from the Religious Action Center (RAC), the political and legislative outreach arm of Reform Judaism in the United States. My hope is that, as a congregation immersed in Tikkun Olam, particularly at a local level, our congregants...

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God is Close Among Us

In this week’s Torah portion, B’shalach, while we celebrated our freedom and danced along the shores of the sea, it was coupled with fear and doubt about what was to come. The question of “will God continue to sustain us?” In Exodus 17:3, after we crossed to freedom, we started...

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Artist Statement: Rochelle Marcus Dinkin

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 The pandemic crisis is a Rorschach test for the entire global community.  Every part of our personal identities and our global political system needs to be re-examined.  This extends to our attitudes on class, race, sexuality, and...

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Artist Statement: Robert Dennis

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 Robert Dennis My Moral Compass Media: Recycled plastics Confinement has given us time for introspection. For the artist, creating a hiatus from social norms, allowing additional time to work at home. I was reminded of an exhibit...

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Artist Statement: Rhea Dennis

Moral Compass: Artists Respond to Crises Temple Judea Museum exhibition January – March 2021 Rhea Dennis Remains Media: Unbleached Abaca and graphite Under normal circumstances my artwork is bold, bright and optimistic. When we began quarantining back in March part of me relished the idea of confinement. Redirecting my time away...

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