Friends, relatives, and congregants are invited to send a very special Confirmation Congratulatory Card to each Confirmation Student for a $5.00 donation per card.

It has become our tradition at Keneseth Israel to present these cards at Confirmation, which will be held on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

Click here for the Confirmation Gram Flyer!

Feel free to contact Lynore Eisman, 215-676-1812 or Place your order by May 30!

In the “Other Information” box, please indicate the following…

What message would you like to say to the students and to your child?

I would like to honor: ____________________________________.

 (Please list as many students as you would like)

I would like the card signed from:___________________________.

I have placed an order for # ________________ cards.

  • Billing Information

  • PayPal
  • By clicking the "Register Now" button below you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. You will be taken to PayPal to complete your payment. If you do not have PayPal, you will be asked to enter your own Credit Card. Please review all fields above as there is no "review" step and your card will be charged immediately.