JQuest B'Yachad is a 21st century, Jewish elementary educational model where kids bring Jewish learning to life. We strive to reach the balance among personal meaning, congregational affiliation, and communal collaboration putting student voice and choice at the center of our work. Our families engage in a dynamic, creative, and personally meaningful Jewish learning.
Students emerge from JQuest with:
1. A strong Jewish identity
2. A joyful and loving connection to our Jewish community and our history
3. A Commitment to Am Yisrael (People of Israel), Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel), and Medinat Yisrael (State of Israel)
4. An ability to find inspiration and meaning in the study of Torah
5. A passion for tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedek (justice) both in and beyond the Jewish community
6. Competence and confidence in decoding Hebrew and chanting prayers
7. Understanding of modern and cultural Hebrew words
8. A dedication to Jewish mitzvot (actions) and a connection with ritual
9. A relationship with God and prayer in times of blessing, thanks and need
10. A familiarity with Jewish arts and an ability to join in the songs and culture of our people