Adult Book Discussion: Think Again

Event details

  • Thursday | March 10, 2022
  • 1:00 pm

In March, please join in with us as the Book Discussion Group meeting via zoom on Thursday March 10th at 1:00 pm to discuss Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know (2021) by Adam Grant.  “Organizational psychologist Adam Grant is an expert on opening other people’s minds – and our own. As Wharton’s top-rated professor and the bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, he makes it one of his guiding principles to argue like he’s right but listen like he’s wrong. With bold ideas and rigorous evidence, he investigates how we can embrace the joy of being wrong, bring nuance to charged conversations, and build schools, workplaces, and communities of lifelong learners.”  This seems like an appropriate book to discuss with our group of lifelong learners!

Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 842 5494 4570