Event details
- Monday | April 11, 2022
- 10:30 am
https://zoom.us/j/863810961 Meeting ID: 863 810 961
Call into the discussion: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592
Monday, April 11 10:30 a.m./ ART AND SOUL OF CHINA w/ DR. PHYLLIS GOTKIN
The Art and Soul of China” illustrates and discusses Chinese Art from 2500 BCE until 2100 CE. The viewer will be introduced to various artistic media, such as porcelain, stoneware, pen and ink, as well as creative ideologies from ancient times such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Communism. We will witness a convergence of political, religious, and social ideas set into artistic endeavors. All of the works of art can be seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Phyllis graduated from the Univ. of Penna. and went on to earn a Master’s and Doctorate degree. In her last position she taught Hematology at Thomas Jefferson University. She worked at many other medical institutions over her 40-year career. Phyllis Gotkin has been a tour guide at the Phila. Museum of Art for the past 19 years.