Event details

  • Monday | October 24, 2022
  • 10:30 am

ADULT EDUCATION: CLICK TO JOIN! Mondays | 10:30 am Meeting ID: 890 9083 9426

Call into the discussion: +1 646 931 3860

Check our Calendar for program details. 

Monday, October 24 10:30 a.m. from Rebecca Landau~ 

CHAGALL AND THE BIBLE with JEAN BLOCH ROSENSAFT Director, Dr. Bernard Heller Museum, HUC/New York. Marc Chagall was profoundly inspired by the Bible throughout his career, producing biblical works in a broad array of mediums, including paintings, etchings, sculptures, mosaics, tapestries, stained-glass windows, ceramics, and stage set designs. Discover how memories of his youth in Vitebsk, the Russian Revolution, his 1931 visit to Palestine, the Holocaust, his personal religiosity, and his admiration for the old masters, informed his imagination to create uniquely modern visual interpretations of the core text of the Jewish people.