HISTORY’S MYSTERIES: Secrets, Spies and Deceptions:  The Untold Story of World War II w/ HERB KAUFMAN

Event details

  • Monday | September 12, 2022
  • 10:30 am

Monday, September 12 10:30 a.m./

HISTORY’S MYSTERIESSecrets, Spies and Deceptions:  The Untold Story of World War II


This is the untold story of World War II deception, clandestine operations, secret missions, and double agents.  Learn about the behind the scenes bravery, counter intelligence, and daring missions that lead to the Allied victory in World War II.

The underground warfare of espionage, sabotage, disinformation, spies, codes and code-breakers played a critical role in World War II.   Learn about the secrets of the Ritchie Boys, General George Patton’s “Ghost Army,” and “the Man Who Never Was” and the fascinating “Last Battle.”

Examine covert operations: The secret German plan to terrorize the United States, the bouncing bomb, and secret Japanese plans to bomb the United States using weather balloons.

This presentation takes you into the hidden intelligence, deception and spies that helped the Allies win the war.

Herb Kaufman has been a teacher, lecturer and living historian.  He is a founding member of the faculty of the Civil War Institute and History Institute at Manor College and an Adjunct Instructor of history at Camden County College.  He presents many informative and entertaining history programs to many organizations in the Philadelphia and New Jersey area.


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89090839426 Meeting ID: 890 9083 9426

Call into the discussion: +1 646 931 3860

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