Event details
- Thursday | June 17, 2021
- 11:30 am
https://zoom.us/j/863810961 Meeting ID: 863 810 961
Call into the discussion: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592
Thursday, June 17 11:30 a.m. /
Photography as we know it was invented in 1839 and became an art form in the early 20th century. Jewish photographers, like Alfred Stieglitz, were pivotal in shaping the art form. An astonishing majority of photography’s most influential, indeed defining, practitioners have been Jews. The iconic photographs of Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima. Sailor Kissing a Woman in Times Square at the end of WW II, Falling Soldier in the Spanish Civil War, Marilyn Monroe on a New York subway grate, and the Destruction of the Hindenburg were all made by Jewish photographers. This talk will give an overview of the most important U.S. Jewish photographers and their works. Marvin Kreithen was a pioneer in the development of low cost, numerically- controlled machine tools. After 25 years as a Logic and Software engineer, he became Vice President of Bridgeport Machines and General Manager of its Computerized Control Systems group. Since his retirement in 2000, he has been pursuing his interests in travel. art and Jewish history. He has been in 49 of the 50 U.S. States and most of Western Europe and China and Japan. He has toured most of the top 40 art museums in the western world.