Keneseth Israel is heavily involved in Social Action. We firmly believe in Tikkun Olam, or "Reparing the World." We provide ample opportunity to get involved and make a positive impact, not only within the Jewish community but also within our local, and global, communities.
We are proud to launch “HaMotzi: KI’s Anti-Hunger Campaign,” as an umbrella for our projects and initiatives to fight hunger and economic inequality through direct service and political advocacy. The following are the ongoing Social Action Projects at KI in 2015-2016.
High Holiday Food Drive - Canned food is collected between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to give to Philabundance for distribution throughout the Philadelphia region.
Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers needed to acquire bags, staple cover letter, and distribute on Yom Kippur morning.
Time Commitment: Several hours on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
KI Mitzvah Garden – A joint project of the Social Action Committee and the Women of KI, the food grown in the garden is distributed Beth Shalom Food pantry and to the Klein Branch JCC Cooking for Friends program.
Volunteer Opportunities: Prepare the garden, plant seeds, harvest produce, cook into meals
Time Commitment: Several hours throughout the Spring and Summer
Families Forward Philadelphia Homeless Shelter – Family homeless shelter located in West Philadelphia. KI has a working relationship to provide artwork for shelter, after-school tutoring, personal care items, food and clothes as needed.
Volunteer Opportunities: Collect items for delivery, after-school tutoring, health screenings, game nights
Time Commitment: Varies from volunteer to volunteer
Kehillah Act Against Hunger Advocacy – Join members of all the local synagogues to learn more about hunger in PA and engage in dialogue advocacy to promote state legislation to most affectively help those in need
Volunteer Opportunities: Attend monthly meetings
Sefer Book Project - Collection of “gently used” books in the coat room. Books have gone to Philadelphia Reads, to various Philadelphia schools, and to the local public libraries.
Volunteer Opportunities: Bring in children’s books, pack them, and donate them.
American Red Cross Blood Drives – KI organizes a blood drive for the ARC once every four months Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are needed prior to each drive to call and schedule potential donors.
Time Commitment: Every 4 months
Requirements: Be able to make phone calls
Canned Food Collection – The collection in the lobby goes to the Abington Interfaith Food Pantry
Volunteer Opportunities: Bring a can of food to synagogue each time you come.
Hanukkah Dinner for Federation Housing residents – Sharing is Caring prepares and serves a Hanukkah dinner to residents of Federation housing.
Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers needed to cook ahead of time, and set up and serve on the day of the event.
Time Commitment: Several hours once a year
Requirements: Be able to prepare and/or serve food
December 25th Mitzvah Day - KI members will participate in various mitzvah projects throughout the day, including “Cooking for a Friend,” wrapping presents for needy children, packaging and delivering thank you gifts to first responders.
Volunteer Opportunities: Participate in the various projects listed above
Time Commitment: Several hours once a year
Requirements: Be able to prepare and/or serve food.
If you would like to be involved in any of these projects, please contact the clergy office at (215) 887-8702.
Please check e-KI every week for other opportunities throughout the year.