Parashat P’kudei ~ Purim is Coming!

The Iron Swords War: How We Are All Affected! B’Yachad N’Natzeach/Together We Shall Be Victorious! On Tuesday morning, Ellen and I attended a profoundly moving and truly painful session at Gratz College presented by Esther Marcus and Gal Horev, two survivors of October 7th Massacre.  It was overwhelmingly difficult and...

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PARASHAT TERUMAH: “Tell The Israelite People to Bring Me Gifts! (25:2)

“Acheinu” Resounds Throughout Our Community and the Jewish World! This week’s portion teaches us about G-d’s requirement to bring gifts to the community’s leadership for the community’s maintenance. Moses ascends Mount Sinai for a second time in order to learn what G-d expects of him and the Israelites.  G-d gives...

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Parashat MIketz

Parashat MIketz-Joseph, Lighting the Hanukkah Candles for The Eighth Night, and Candles as a Symbol of Shalom Bayit/Family Peace In our Torah reading cycle, we are in the middle of the Joseph stories in the Book of Bereshit/Genesis. Joseph, the son of the Jacob, the third Jewish patriarch, has been...

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Parashat R’eih

PARASHAT R’EIH: SEE, THE BLESSING AND THE CURSE! CENTRAL SANCTUARY IN A DIVINELY ORDAINED PLACE! SHIR KI CONTINUES THE 3000 YEAR JEWISH MUSICAL TRADITION- FIRST REHEARSAL: AUGUST 15, AT 7 PM. In this week’s Torah portion, Moses continues his third and final summary of G-d’s commandments by staging a massive...

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Parashat D’varim

Parashat D’varim: Beginning the Fifth Book of Torah Summer Jewish Life in the Poconos This past Shabbat morning, I chanted the prayer announcing the new Hebrew month of Av in our summer congregation, the Hemlock Farms Jewish Fellowship. For 32 years, Ellen and I have spent our summer vacation in...

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A DOUBLE PORTION DESCRIBING PROFOUND PRESSURE ON MOSES AND HIS ABRUPT REACTION. All over the world, Jews are reading two Sidrot/Portions this coming Shabbat, the double portion of Hukkat/Balak, chapters 19-25 in B’midbar/Numbers. The Israelites are approaching the end of their 40 year march in the desert on the way...

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