The openness of the Sukkah

“And the Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Say to the Israelite people: On the fifteenth day on this seventh month there shall be a Feast of Booths to the Eternal One to last seven days’” (Leviticus 23:33). Sukkot is everything Yom Kippur is not: light, upbeat, outdoors, casual and...

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Remarks from the President: Yom Kippur 5784

Yom Tov everyone, Good Yontif to everyone here in the Sanctuary and all of you streaming from around the world. Welcome to Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel for this special Yom Kippur Service. Thank you Rabbi David, Cantor Levy, Hazzan Tilman, Andrew Senn, our professional choir, Trumpeter/Shofar Blower Jeff Miller, Cellist...

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Beautiful Blank Slate

As we start this New Year, we ask for the opportunity to begin with a “blank slate.” I found myself using this language of “starting again” with my two teenage daughters as well. The new start includes simple routine adjustments such as going to bed earlier, establishing a homework routine,...

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Preparing for a New Year

Our Torah states that on Rosh HaShanah we are to mark ‘a sacred occasion’ (Lev 23:24). Our commentators will define Rosh HaShanah as a ‘day of remembrance.’ The Talmud will note that this is one of many new beginnings we celebrate amid the year. Our sages will also refer to...

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New Beginnings

This week we wish Liz Z. Sussman, all the very best as she enters into retirement and her next adventure. She has been the Early Childhood Education Director of the Richard E. Rudolph Jr. Preschool at KI for the last eight years. With all of her many gifts, Liz grew...

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Camp Harlam 2024

Shalom! As we conclude another incredible summer at Camp Harlam, we want to thank you for your ongoing support. The relationship between camp and the congregations in our region are critical to our growth, development, and success. We wanted to share some important information with you as we now shift...

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