I hope this finds you happy and healthy. I am looking forward to spending August developing plans for this year’s Inclusion Committee. I do hope you have followed the experiences of Inclusion at KI during the past months: the LGBT+ Pride Shabbat, the ADD Shabbat, the panels on COVID, on Mental Health, and the Conversations with the Cantor. This past year I attended ZOOM meetings offered by the Jewish Learning Venture. They include Inclusion and the Hearing Impaired, Mental Health, and Inclusion of Community in the Congregation. Now that we will be meeting again, I have much to share with you about them. If you have been a member of the Inclusion committee, or if you would like to become a member, please contact me at EllenSklaroff@gmail.com
If you have ideas for topics we can discuss through panels or speakers, include them in your email. Focusing on topics that are significant to members of the congregation will make KI even more inclusive.
Looking forward to hearing from all,
Ellen Sklaroff, Inclusion Committee Chair