How to be a Mentsch!*

Years ago, I read a description of Judaism as a two-part system: yiddishkeit (Jewishness) and mentschlichkeit (humanitarianism). Yiddishkeit, of course, refers to all our particular Jewish activities like keeping Shabbat, Purim, and Passover, et al. Mentschlichkeit refers to Judaism’s ethical system and is extensively addressed in the Torah and throughout...

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The Attack on America

This week has been a traumatic time for the American people. On our televisions, cell phones, and iPads, we have seen images that previously would have been unimaginable with the Capitol building in Washington, D.C being attacked and trashed by an unruly and vengeful mob. We have read in history...

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A Prayer for America

Eternal One our God, We join together in prayer for our country. Help us to be strong at this dangerous moment of infamy. Strengthen our resolve to uphold our democratic principles even as they come under violent assault. Teach us the true meaning of freedom and protect us from insurrection...

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Reconciliation: A Prayer for 2021

As many of you know, I am a Civil War buff. My interest in the War Between the States began when I was six years old. In 1960, the United States was celebrating the Centennial of the Civil War. Living in Baltimore, I was in easy driving distance of Gettysburg,...

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Poem: Grateful

Grateful At this precise moment As the season of Thanksgiving begins I am grateful for so many things and blessings I am unsure I can list them all But feel compelled to enunciate as many of them as possible. I am grateful for all those who have taken care of...

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Poem: Family

Family They call us the nuclear family But we are not protons, electrons or neutrons. We are just people Living in relationship with one another Sometimes connected by DNA, Others linked by promises and vows Of different types from marriage to adoption. We are family. And when just one of...

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