Security Assessment Notice

Dear KI Congregants, Early in 2020, we determined that the national rise in anti-Semitism and hate crimes demanded an increase in our security measures. To protect our school children, staff, members and guests, the Board of Directors voted to engage armed security officers whenever our building was open. At that time...

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   The Purim Story is a new Megillah retold and introduced by Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D., Senior Rabbi of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel (KI) in Elkins Park, PA published by Tablo Press (2021).  Written for use at home or in the synagogue, The Purim Story features new, original artwork by Marlene D’Orazio Adler. Written as a...

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From Rabbi Benjamin David

It is with abounding pride and gratitude that I have agreed to become the next Senior Rabbi of Keneseth Israel In Elkins Park, PA. Founded In 1847, KI is a place of significant renown, a leader in and beyond the Reform movement for generations. The Jewish community of Philadelphia has...

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Why were they digging big holes in the lawn at KI?

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in partnership with the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership secured grant funding to make stormwater management improvements on KI’s property. The first phase of the project includes installation of subsurface raintanks to manage the runoff from the 1.25 acre rooftop. The raintanks are stackable stormwater chambers which provide...

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Use your IRA to pay your Membership and other charitable contributions and avoid taxes 

The IRA Charitable Rollover provision allows individuals who have reached the age of 70 1/2 to donate up to $100,000 annually to charitable organizations directly from their individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) without treating the distribution as taxable income.  Your gift can be designated toward membership, the Spring Fundraiser, a general...

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Nelson announces $265K in help for stormwater management in Cheltenham

CHELTENHAM, Jan. 8 – State Rep. Napoleon Nelson, D-Montgomery, announced that Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel received $265,000 in a state Growing Greener grant to help replace impervious parking pavement with bioretention features and two rain gardens. The congregation said the project also will include planting trees and building plant beds. “Our community...

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