God’s Presence

“I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day, when it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May…” begins one of our favorite songs by the Temptations, “My Girl.” Such a sweet song, reminds us that sunshine always lingers behind the darkest clouds, especially when we feel love in our hearts. In...

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Meyers Library June 2020 Update

This year a focus of KI is on Social Justice.  At Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Rigler delivered an impassioned speech on Social Justice. She mentioned many suggested books to read. As she spoke, I thought to myself that these titles are in our collection. It is interesting to note that while...

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Remaining Unmuted

The ways we communicate have completely changed since the pandemic. We are holding hands over zoom, we are putting hopeful messages on our sidewalk with chalk, we are honking and yelling out of our cars for celebrations, and we are meeting each other outside, from a distance. In an “unmute...

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Our 173rd Annual Meeting

Dear KI Congregants, There is a lot of excitement building around our 173rd Annual KI Congregational Membership Meeting scheduled for this evening, June 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. As you know by now all our KI business meetings have transitioned to Zoom and procedures that we would normally follow at...

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A Statement From the Social Justice Committee

A Statement From the Social Justice Committee June 1, 2020 To Our Beloved KI Community: We, the members of the Social Justice Committee, have focused our efforts on education and advocacy: Education designed to forge bonds of understanding across difference, and advocacy related to voting. In January of this year,...

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Poem: I Can’t Breathe

I Can’t Breathe I can’t breathe, The knee of oppression Is on my neck. I can’t breathe, The air of my city Is filled with tear gas. I can’t breathe, I am filled with rage And the smoke of burning buildings. I can’t breathe Because the air is filled with...

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