Meyers Library HHD Resources

Recently, I asked the KI Clergy and Senior Staff to send me recommendations for resources to share with the congregation to help prepare for the coming High Holy Days. Never did I suspect how popular this topic would be. My in-box has been filled with on-line resources and programs.  Rabbi...

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Sefer D’varim/Deuteronomy, Shabbat Hazon, Tisha B’Av, and My Encounter with Congressman John Lewis, of Blessed Memory

“V’Eileh Had’varim asher diber Moshe el Bnai Yisrael…” And these are the words that Moses addressed to Israel on the other side of the Jordan, through the wilderness…” The book of D’varim/Deuteromy begins with these words!  With “words,” Moses our teacher begins his review of the history of the Israelite...

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